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AES Student Blog

AES 145 | Meet The Sponsors! Leapwing Audio


We are thrilled that Leapwing Audio will be joining us again as sponsors of the student competitions

We love analog, we love digital and recognise that focus is key. Additionally, we acknowledge that there are certain things you can’t accomplish in the analog domain. Therefore we solely focus on building tools that use the strength of digital to shape and improve your sound, with serious impact and without any artefacts.
How do we do that?
You can call us geeks (we actually like that) but we are also end-users. As a group of developers, musicians, audio engineers and producers we have one thing in common: the love for music and technology.
Why do we do that?
We build the tools we need or would use ourselves. At the same time, we believe that your time is important. We have one goal: once you open one of our tools, within 10 seconds you understand what it does and you get great sound with serious impact within the next 10 seconds. We have a clear dedication to building something that is easy to use and works intuitively.
What do we do?
We pride ourselves to focus on only using the highest quality filters and algorithms we can come up with while acknowledging the current boundaries of modern-day CPU’s. Remember we are geeks; we can spend weeks getting our filters to sound just the way we want them to be. We also strongly believe that our paying customers should not be our beta testers. We recently set up a very strong testing and debugging framework to make sure our plugins leave our lab in the best possible condition.
We listen!
Our customers are our source of inspiration and improvement. We are proud to have build a warm and strong community of end-users in a short period of time, including some of the greatest engineers on the planet. Thank you all! Your feedback helps us to improve and make sure our plugins are working according to the latest technology and needs.
We look forward to helping you make a big impact, within a short period of time.
The Leapwing Audio Team


More Information

Posted: Tuesday, September 4, 2018

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