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AES 145 Meet The Judges! EveAnna Manley

AES 145 Meet The Judges! EveAnna Manley

EveAnna Manley grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and was definitely one of those stereotypical Band Geeks playing clarinet, saxophones, and a little but of trumpet. At Columbia University she continued her music studies which steered her into the music industry. Inspired by her father who had once owned Ampeg in the late 1960's, she found a job starting at the bottom-most rung on the ladder learning to solder and assemble vacuum tube amplifiers in Southern California. She quickly got into the technical side of things testing and assisting new designs into production as well as implementing important business control systems in the young company such as quality control procedures, inventory control, and purchasing systems, all analog in the early 1990's! After David Manley retired to France in the mid-1990's, EveAnna took over the Manley company doubling its turnover in the first year. Her first solo designs were the enduring Manley VOXBOX and the intriguing Manley STINGRAY stereo integrated power amplifier. She has led a loyal team of engineers and production staff at Manley Labs for over 25 years to continue to produce one of the world's premier brands of high end vacuum tube equipment for recording and mastering studios as well as audiophiles around the globe.

Posted: Sunday, September 9, 2018

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