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AES144 Student Recording Competition Interview: Krzysztof Ptak

AES144 Student Recording Competition Interview: Krzysztof Ptak

1) Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from and what do you study?

I'm from Kielce in Poland - the city located in Świętokrzyskie voivodeship. I'm studying sound engineering at Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. I make beats since 2010. I love music, especially jazz, soul, hip hop and electronic.
2) What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?
I think i got it from God as a talent. My parents showed me good music and took me to music school when I was 7 years old. I play piano and organ. Music was always important part of my life. In medium school I've became interested in music studies, but I wanted to connect music with technical subjects. I love mathematic, physics etc. I searched and I found sound engineering in Warsaw.
3) Tell us about production of your submission? What is the story behind it? What inspired it? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?
I heard about remix category from my friend in march. I gathered for a long time to start remix. I've started my work about two weeks before deadline. First thing was to listen all song and then track by track. Fast picked guitar inspired my to make remix in drum and bass genre. I make it in two weekends. It was my first entry so I'm so shocked and excited that I was awarded a bronze medal.
4) What/who made you join AES?
My girlfriend Dominika and my friends from studies. I'm sure that I wouldn't make this remix without their "keeping asking" me about remix and motivating me to do something.
5) Tell us about your favorite experiences at the 144th AES convention in Milan!
Everything was exciting. Talking with people from different countries. Listening lectures from many areas of audio. Competitions. My friend submitted participant in all category. For me the most unpredictable moment was contest results announcement of my category - remix.

Posted: Monday, August 20, 2018

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