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AES 144 Student Competition Interview: Krzysztof Kicior

AES 144 Student Competition Interview: Krzysztof Kicior
1) Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from and what do you study?

I have been living almost my entire life in Warsaw, Poland and I study at The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. After graduating from the Sound Engineering Department, I continue my studies in Composition. 
2) What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start? 
It is very hard to pinpoint a single point in my life, so I am going to choose three.
Age 2: I started to explore the audio world by hitting random objects with a stick, checking out the sounds they would produce. By then my parents knew what was going on.
Age 15: My radio adventure began, resulting with becoming a host in the local student stations and a somewhat close cooperation with Polskie Radio. By then I knew I loved the devices with flashing lights and faders.
Age 17/18: For the first time ever I heard Mew's albums "And The Glass Handed Kites" and "No More Stories Are Told Today, I'm Sorry They Washed Away // No More Stories, The World Is Grey, I'm Tired, Let's Wash Away". By then I knew my future would be somehow entwined with audio.
3) Tell us about production of your submission? What is the story behind it? What inspired it? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?
The entire remix category came out of the blue. I did not plan on submitting anything there, because I simply did not expect it!
It all took seven weeks. In that time, I had to decide that I want to take part in the Competition, listen multiple times to the source material, find the right ideas, remix the song, pass the local eliminations, write the documentation and submit my work. I guess there was no time for any doubts, but luckily also no inspiration was needed: that was simply a labour of love. I did not do it for the recognition, so I was shocked to make it to the final of the competition and delighted to receive an award.
That said, it was my first entry ever.
4) What/who made you join AES?
I found out about AES from our Faculty Advisor, dr Tadeusz Fidecki. It took a while, but I finally decided to join the organisation for various reasons - just in time for the 136th Convention in Berlin!
5) Tell us about your favorite experiences at the 144th AES convention in Milan!
Again, I'm going to choose three. Two things that happened to me for the first time ever, one thing that amazes me at every convention.
Friday: fulfilling my dream of a few years to present my work in the Student Recording Competition, receive the feedback from the judges and watch everyone's reactions.
Thursday: joining the D&I Committee meeting and discussing some issues with the "adults". For me, it was a whole new side of the convention.
Wednesday: seeing so many passionate people gathered in one place. It always fills my heart with joy.

Posted: Saturday, August 25, 2018

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