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AES143 Student Recording Competition Interview: Julián David Rincón Ruiz

AES143 Student Recording Competition Interview: Julián David Rincón Ruiz

1) Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from and what do you study?

My name is Julián David Rincón Ruiz. I studied at the University of San Buenaventura in Bogotá, Colombia.

2) What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?

My passion for audio was born from the need to save the sounds that I generated with my electric guitar, as a result of this, I started reading about audio and I realized the great amount of interesting things that the audio world offered, it was about 13 years ago.

3) Tell us about production of your submission? What is the story behind it? What inspired it? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?

I always try to record musical genres that are not very common. I do this, because I think that each genre has interesting things to contribute and challenges to solve when I record. Some time ago I wanted to record something that had instruments like: charango, violins and flutes. Initially I contacted a friend of mine who makes music for movies but unfortunately he had to move out of town, so I decided to search the internet for some musical groups of genres that had some of these instruments, searching, I found "Tierra Fertil" a group of Andean music and I decided to contact them to record a session in block. We were approximately 2 months adjusting schedules and dates and I was listening to many songs of that genre to study their sonority and thus be able to choose the indicated microphones so that the recording would sound as organic as possible; the day of the recording, we spent about 8 hours in the studio and recorded 4 songs in block. I decided to choose the song "Sol del Sur" because it was the song that most conveyed emotions. I think that although the recording process is very important. Finally in my opinion when we create music we generate emotions.

4) What/who made you join AES?

Last year, by suggestion of a university professor, I decided to join the AES to participate in the student competition of the 141st convention that was to be held in Los Angeles. I signed up with my degree project partner and I participated with the project "Design and construction of a control system for audio editors with integrated communication management" with which we got the gold award. Considering the great support and incentives from the AES, this year I decided to participate in the section of traditional recording in studio.

5) Tell us about your favourite experiences at the 143st AES convention in NY!

The 143rd convention was incredible because I had the opportunity to meet incredible people and excellent engineers, besides being able to see the latest in audio technology and to visit amazing studios in NY.

To listen to Julián's project click here:

Posted: Thursday, January 18, 2018

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