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AES140 Student Recording Competition Interview: Aleksandra Suchova

AES140 Student Recording Competition Interview: Aleksandra Suchova

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? Where and what do you study?


Good afternoon, I am originally from Lithuania. I graduated my Bachelor’s degree in Kaunas University of Technology, in Music Technology program and this year I have finished my Master studies in Royal Danish Academy of Music as a tonmeister.


What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?


My passion for audio started about 10 years ago. I finished conservatory as a piano player and after that I considered what I must do next. I have decided that a musician’s career is not for me, but to say goodbye for music forever wasn’t my wish. So, I found myself in audio productions and music recordings.


Tell us about the production of your submission. What is the story behind it? What was it inspired by? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?


My production is recording of Chamber Orchestra and flute soloist. 

Soloist chosen transcriptions are very interesting compositions for the flute. The program was originally composed for violin. That makes a recording more interesting and individual. My goal was to discover this kind of transcription and present it to listener. 

In this recording I would like to show a virtuosity of flute soloist. Recording should present his talent. For this project is not enough just to document sound of the music. Soloist technique must be shown in best musical way. The listener could be tired to listen only an excellent technique, so the recording needs to present a musicality as well. 

We recorded this program in August 2015 and after it was a long editing and mixing process. But most important and interesting was a communication part of this project, before the project started, during recording sessions and after. The work with musicians has motivated myself and promoted to show the best results of work processes. It motivated me to accept a challenge and to improve skills during all production period. 

With this flute soloist it was my first recording, but with this Chamber Orchestra we already did few recordings before. 

What was your most significant/funny/inspiring experience as an audio engineer? 


This year I had a big pleasure to record a full production opera Giuseppe Verdi “Rigoletto” with wonderful soloist, conductor and musicians. For me it was very significant experience from audio, production and music sides.


What was your biggest mistake in a production and what did you do to redeem the situation?


There haven’t been any big mistakes so far. ?


What’s your advice for engineers who are just starting out?


I wish sound engineers to not forget that in our work we have much more psychology than technology.


What are your favorite pieces of equipment (microphones, outboard, plugins), and why?


I like Shoeps microphones very much, because of sound timbre and RME equipment, because it is always very stable and multifunctional. 


What/who made you join the AES? 


My friend. He was here several times and always told me how wonderful it is! 


Tell us about your favourite experiences at the 140th AES Convention in Paris!


My favorite experience was to participate in the competition and the lecture of Martin Schneider from Neumann was so exiting!


What do you do when you’re not in the studio or doing anything music related?


I like reading books, walking in a park, swimming in a lake.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


Of course in sound producing sphere. I like my work very much and hope in 10 or 20 years I will still recording, producing and working with wonderful musicians. 


Could you provide us with some closing comments?


I would like to thank AES organization and all members for hard work and wonderful opportunity to enjoy an AES conventions every year. 

Posted: Wednesday, August 17, 2016

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