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AES Student Blog

AES 140 Student Recording Critiques

 The Student Recording Critiques are non-competitive listening sessions, designed for students to listen to their recordings and productions on a world-class playback system, and receive feedback on their work. Students are invited to bring along their mixes and have them critiqued by a panel renowned industry professionals in order to get pointers as to how they can push their skills to the next level. 
It is vital that interested students sign up at Convention’s the student booth immediately after the first SDA meeting and bring their work on CD, DVD, memory stick, or hard disc as clearly labelled 44.1 kHz WAVE or AIFF files. 
Please note that finalists of the Student Recording Competition are excluded to submit their work to the Recording Critiques to give non-finalists a way of having their work assessed.
Sunday, June 5, 09:00 — 10:00
Monday, June 6, 08:45 — 09:45
Tuesday, June 7, 11:30 — 12:30

Posted: Friday, May 27, 2016

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