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AES Student Blog

AES 141 Thank the sponsors Eiosis

Slate Digital and Eiosis are award-winning, industry-standard brands of professional audio software that are used on many hit records made by world-renowned mixing engineers. At Slate Digital and Eiosis, we are a team of dedicated people evolving in a friendly environment, with a focus on quality and innovation.


Our products combine science, technology, and art. Each product is a new challenge as we always strive for perfection. Our customers appreciate how far we like to refine our algorithms and graphical interfaces.


Eiosis and Slate Digital are growing thanks to the passion, hard work, and talent of each team member. Our company culture is to let people be proactive and autonomous: new ideas are welcome and encouraged and excellence is highly rewarded. We have a lot of dreams and ambitions for our future and our growth, so we are searching for talented people to develop all these exciting projects and bring them to success !

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Posted: Sunday, November 6, 2016

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