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AES Student Blog

AES140 Paris: Student Recording Competition and Student Design Competition

 Grab your diaries, clear your schedule: the AES Convention is coming to Paris, and that means the Student Competitions are too! 

Students and recent graduates can participate in the Student Recording Competition and Student Design Competition for which registration will open soon. We want to remind you now, to give you more than enough time to get your project in shape. 




If advice from audio legends, exposure to key players in the audio industry not to mention a very large enthusiastic crowd, a great experience, a fantastic networking opportunity, and an invaluable career boost mean nothing to you, we also have tens of thousands of euros worth of amazing prizes (that's tens of thousands of dollars, too). 

Right: a small sample of the prizes given to Student Competition finalists at the 139th AES Convention in New York - this also doesn't include the many, many software prizes awarded that day. 

In case you were already planning to come to Paris, it would be silly not to submit your latest or proudest project, whatever it is, to these popular competitions. If you weren't sure yet, then this is one of the many reasons why you should absolutely come. Don't take our word for it, though - ask any student who has ever been to a Convention. 

So polish your best project one more time, or start an entirely new one especially for this occasion, as you might never again get such an opportunity to bootstrap your audio career. 

More information on how, what, why, where and when to submit can be found in the Student Recording Competition and Student Design Competition Rules and Policies



Student Recording Competition submission deadline: Sunday 1 May 2016

Student Design Competition submission deadline: Sunday 22 May 2016

140th International AES Convention: 4-7 June 2016

You can submit as soon as the registration is open, so stay tuned!  









Left: A student explains his hardware design at a very busy Student Design Exhibition at AES138 in Warsaw, Poland. 

Right: Some genius industry experts judge a software project at AES139 in New York. Note the relaxed atmosphere and the smiling student! 


Left: World-renowned engineers take a break from making best-selling records and dusting off Grammys to give ALL STUDENT RECORDING COMPETITION ENTRANTS feedback that will change their lives!

Right: Only four empty chairs in an otherwise packed room, listening intently to an excellent Student Recording Competition submission. 


 Learn all about student activities at the 140th Convention and elsewhere by following our Twitter feed, Facebook page, and this blog

140th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society

Posted: Monday, January 25, 2016

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