Education & Career

AES Student Blog

Get Ready for Student Events at AES 139 in New York! Detailed Info!

 AES 139 Student Events - Detailed Information on What's Ahead


Greetings from all of us in the Student Delegate Assembly!

We have some huge events on the horizon. At the link below, you'll find a couple of documents that we feel is important that you know all about, such as:

  • -A call for recordings for the Student Recording Competition (Deadline Sept. 27)
  • -A call for designs for the Student Design Competition (Deadline October 18)
  • -A call to elect the new Vice Chair for North & Latin America
  • -A reminder to bring your latest work to the Recording Critiques
  • -A quick heads up on important networking events. (There's a party involved, if that sounds too formal for you!)

If you're an audio educator, mentor, or know any students who could take advantage of these events, we would be ecstatic if you could help us spread the message. Please give it a quick read through, and as always, let us know if you have any questions and we'll see you in New York!

Download the newsletter here!


More Information (AES139 Student and Career Development events)

Posted: Sunday, September 13, 2015

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