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AES Student Blog

AES 139 | Thanks to our Fantastic Sponsors - Acustica Audio

 Since the birth of Nebula in the summer of 2005, a dynamic collaboration was born between forward thinking developers, beta testers, audio engineers and equipment samplers from around the world. The research and development has gone through many stages and possesses innovative processes and technologies as of yet unheard of in other products or devices.
The company's goal is to provide the most authentic reproduction of sampled vintage gear and other high end hardware devices, using the revolutionary technology "V.V.K.T." (Vectorial Volterra Kernels Technology) without the negative artifacts created by current convolution technology.
After years of continous work, this creative forward thinking group has developed to a team of experts in knowing what it takes to serve the best "of both worlds" (digital & analog).

Acustica Audio donated some of their amazing plugins to winners of the Student Recording Competition!


Acustica Audio website

Posted: Friday, December 4, 2015

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