Education & Career

AES Student Blog

AES 137 - Education & Career Fair

The AES Student Delegate Assembly is inviting all educational institutions and audio companies to participate in the AES Education & Career Fair which will take place Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 11am-12:30pm.


This event is an opportunity for schools and companies to meet students, inform the audio community about their programs and activities, and to touch base with the future of audio. Everyone is invited to come talk with representatives from the companies and universities and find out more about educational programmes, and job and internship opportunities in the audio industry.
We recommend that you bring pamphlets, pictures, audio samples and any other type of media that can appropriately represent your institution or company. Space is limited so the sooner you sign up, the better! See you in Los Angeles!
Sign up under the following links: Educational Institutions | Companies
Here is a message from Brecht De Man, the SDA's current Vice Chair for Europe & International Regions: 


Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014

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