We are proud to announce that we have gathered an amazing group of Judges for the Student Recording Competition at AES 135. All participants will have their work reviewed and scored by three Judges per category. All of them are well known industry professionals and here you can find out a little bit about each of them.
Ulrike Schwarz
Ulrike Schwarz is Diplom-Tonmeisterin and recording engineer specialising in classical music and jazz. She graduated from the University of Arts in Berlin. Furthermore, Ulrike studied multichannel recording formats from 5.10 to 22.2 with Akira Fukada and Kimio Hamaskaki in NHK and NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories in Tokyo. As an AES Member, Ulrike Schwarz is a frequent lecturer at AES events. Her last appearance was in 2010 during the AES Conference on Spatial Sound (Tokyo, Japan) with a presentation of „Paradies und die Peri“ performed by BRSO and Simon Rattle in 9.0, 3-D sound. She has been an AES Governor 2004-2006."
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013
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