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AES Student Blog

AES 134 - Meet the Winners #3: Milos Ivanic

Meet Milos Ivanic from Belgrade, Serbia, who won the Bronze Award in Category 3: Modern Studio Recording. 




Tell us a little bit about yourself: Where are you from? What do you study? How did you discover your passion for audio? 

I was born in Vrbas – a small town in Serbia. Growing up I was just kid with a passion for sound. My life pretty much is sound actually… I spend most my money on studio gear and cables.

I’m currently studying in Belgrade at the Advanced School of Electrical Engineering and Computing, in the Department of Audio and Video Technology. I’m a mixing engineer and started working in the field of audio when I was 16 years old.


Do you play any instruments yourself?

I’m not a musician in the traditional sense. I prefer creating instruments in Max4Live and Native Instruments Reaktor. I enjoy playing around with old analogue synths as well.


Tell us about the production of your submission. What is the story behind it? How long did you work on it?

This was the second time I took part in the competition - the first time was a year ago at the convention in Budapest. The composer of the piece is a very good friend of mine. He wrote the composition about 8 years ago and I thought it would be a shame if it went to waste and was never recorded. Believe it or not it only took me a weekend to do.


What was your most significant, funny or inspiring experience in your time as as an audio engineer?

I will let you know when I find out.


Accidents happen: What was your biggest mistake in a production and what did you do to redeem the situation?

I've never really made a big mistake – but I’m terrified by the idea of my hard drive dying.


What’s your advice for engineers who are just starting out?

Learn from older colleagues, read books and don’t be too lazy to watch tutorials! Youtube has a variety of great videos for beginner producers. What’s most important: Listen, listen, listen – all the time!


Tech talk: What are your favourite pieces of equipment?

Microphone: AKG C414

Hardware: UAD Apollo

Plugins: PSP Audio Ware Vintage Warmer 2 and UAD Ampex ATR-102 Tape Machine


What is your favourite recording or production?

Angel by Massive Attack


What do you like about the AES?

What I like about the AES the most is the fact that it gives me the opportunity to be in contact with audio professionals and meet people with the same interests.


Tell us about your favourite experiences at the 134th AES Convention in Rome!

Having dinner with Barry Marshall, the Universal Audio plugin demonstration, and listening to the pieces of all the competition finalists.


What is your favourite frequency?

50 Hz


What do you do when you’re not in the studio or doing anything music related?

I enjoy just going outside with a beer to enjoy nature.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

I hope to find myself as a music producer in a big professional studio. Of course that’s only my hope - but I can dream, can’t I?


You can download Milos' submission here

If you want to contact Milos you can send him en e-mail or find him on facebook.

Posted: Friday, August 30, 2013

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