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Meet SRC sponsors! IGS Audio

Meet SRC sponsors! IGS Audio

We would like to introduce 132 AES Student Recording Competition sponsors to you.

We are going to mention them name by name because that are people who made SRC possible to realize and we want to say big THANK YOU!

So let's meet IGS Audio today!

IGS AKA Igor Sobczyk is well known producer in Poland. He was one of the first in the country to spread Hip-Hop nationwide. His first music projects (Ekspedycje 1999, Alchemia 2000) are considered as the foundation of contemporary polish Hip-Hop, especially in the Silesian region. The artists whom he recorded and produced are amognst others: Tede (3H), Abra Dab (Kaliber 44), Fokus (Paktofonika), Gutek (Indios Bravos, Mustafarai), Jajonasz. Currently he is producing the debut album for Poland's fresh pop/r'n'b talent Losza vera.

Igor is also an outstanding engineer. IGS Audio is now one the most desired studio equipment brands in Poland and it is continuously expanding internationally. The original IGS Audio products qualify as pretendants to no.1. Clones of other brands produced by Igs Audio are accurate and excellent. 

IGS is all about happiness in success. 

IGS Studio has been operational since 1997. The IGS Audio brand was created in 2003.

Want more? Visit their website!

Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2012

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