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Meet SRC sponsors! Gobbler

Meet SRC sponsors! Gobbler

 We would like to introduce 132 AES Student Recording Competition sponsors to you.


We are going to mention them name by name because that are people who made SRC possible to realize and we want to say big THANK YOU!

So let's meet Gobbler today!


Gobbler is an indispensable service for backing up, sending, and organizing digital media files. Gobbler puts the power of the cloud in the hands of digital media creators, providing secure, on-demand storage and processing throughout the creative process. Gobbler’s transfer technology is one of the fastest and most reliable available on the market today. Every aspect of Gobbler is designed to provide solutions and tools to enable intelligent storage, collaboration, and project organization for digital media creators. By combining these tools into one comprehensive service, Gobbler solves many of the most frustrating challenges and pitfalls of the digital creation workflow.

The first version of Gobbler is built for digital audio creators and seamlessly integrates into their unique work-flow. Gobbler supports all major digital audio workstations (DAWs), enabling any media creator who works with audio to effortlessly manage their digital assets, regardless of format or location.


Visit their website!



Posted: Friday, April 20, 2012

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