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AES Student Blog

Meet our sponsors! Celemony Melodyne

Meet our sponsors! Celemony Melodyne

 We would like to introduce 132 AES Student Recording Competition sponsors to you.


We are going to mention them name by name because that are people who made SRC possible to realize and we want to say big THANK YOU!So let's meet Celemony Melodyne today!

Melodyne editor, with its Direct Note Access technology, makes possible what had previously been considered impossible: access to individual notes in polyphonic audio material. Correct wrong notes in a piano recording; change the chords in a guitar accompaniment after the recording is over; refashion a sample lick. Only Melodyne editor gives you the freedom to work like this with audio. And allows you to do things you could only dream of doing before.

Melodyne editor will change the way you work with audio. The note-based approach and intuitive operation of Melodyne editor will soon seem so natural to you and so much a matter of course that you will no longer regard audio as something fixed and given but quite simply as music. As music you can shape and refashion virtually at will. To correct and optimize or fully restructure in order to make new ideas reality. This is how we picture thefuture of audio editing. And with Melodyne editor, this future is yours already today.

It is important to mention that Celemony Melodyne prize was sponsored by Music Marketing Canada.

Want know more about Celemony? Visit their website!


Posted: Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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