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AES133 San Francisco | Student Recording Competition Judges: JONATHAN WYNER

AES133 San Francisco | Student Recording Competition Judges: JONATHAN WYNER

Participants for the Student Recording Competition get their work reviewed and scored by one amazing group of well-known recording professionals, a.k.a. Judges. Here they are, one by one.




Chief Mastering Engineer and Company President at M Works Studios, Jonathan has mastered more than 5000 CD's during the last 27 years spanning every musical idiom (and some non-musical idioms as well!).  A Recording Engineer since the late 1970’s, Jonathan began his career as a Mastering Engineer in 1985 as the compact disc was becoming a reality and established M Works Mastering in Cambridge, MA in 1991.  His credits range from the extremely well known (James Taylor, David Bowie, Aerosmith, Kiri Te Kanawa), to the more idiosyncratic and independent artists/labels (Aimee Mann, Tiny Tim, Rahsaan Roland Kirk). Jonathan prides himself in the fact that he is among the elite group of mastering engineers to have run a marathon in under 3 hours repeatedly.

Posted: Friday, October 12, 2012

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