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AES Student Blog

CESS 2011 - Report

CESS 2011 participants in front of our private tram.

CESS 2011 participants in front of our private tram.

It is not a secret that a vivid and international social network is an important key to a successful career as audio engineer. Especially in Europe, students sometimes encounter burdens like language barriers or a regional lack of audio related activities.

That's why we all love AES Conventions as a great opportunity to get in touch with the international audio industry. However, with all the nice events of each Convention on the schedule, there is almost no time left to meet with other students and get to know each other.

Wouldn't it be great to have an international meeting of student sections? With Magdalena Plewa, current Chair of SDA Europe & International Regions, as driving force we finally managed to set up the first Central European Student Summit (CESS) hosted by the Kraków Student Section in Poland this year.

The meeting took place from July 8-10th at the AGH University in Kraków. Almost forty students from Vienna, Graz, Kraków, Wroclaw, and Moscow registered. All events were offered free of charge to AES members and cheap accommodation was set up at the AGH student hostel. The weekend included interesting workshops with Marek Walaszek, product presentations, a guided tour to the new Opera house, a private tram ride through Kraków, and even a delicious catering with handmade pizza. There was plenty of time to talk, exchange ideas, to have a look at the facilities of the AGH acoustics department and to enjoy Kraków as one of the nicest places in Europe.

We welcome our four new AES members and hope to see you soon at another AES event.

Many thanks to the Kraków Student Section for being a wonderful host, Marek Walaszek for the very interesting insights to his workflows and experience and the Graz Student Section for their delicious pizza from the Sections own pizza oven. We would also like to thank our sponsors, Audio Tech Pro, Applauz Audio, Dynabits, AGH University, Psychosound Studios.

The CESS 2011 was great fun and we hope that this is the start of a new format that will continue its success  and evolve as a persisting event. Watch out for next years CESS! 

Your Student Delegate Assembly.

Posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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