

SC-03-12 meeting, Online, 2020-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-03-12 Working Group on Forensic Audio, held online, 2020-10-06.

John Hansen had a schedule conflict and was unable to chair the meeting. Standards Manager Richard Cabot filled in as chair.

The report of the previous meeting, held online 2020-05-29, was approved as written.

The agenda was approved as written.

In attendence were Richard Cabot, Nadja Wallaszkovits, Marisa Dery, Thomas Lago, Truls Birkeland, Cesar Lamschtein, Eric Hoehn, Keith McElveen, Rob Maher, David Andrews, Gordon Reid, Dagmar Boss, Stephen Gibbs, David Marks, Anthony Kuzub, and Jonathan Broyles.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Based on a question from Rob Maher, the Standards Manager reviewed AES Standards procedures and rules, including initial drafting, commenting, revisions, discussions of submitted material, etc.

There were questions about the status of comments the group had submitted on the AES-X253 draft. The chair has been behind on editing the document so group members didn’t feel that they know the state of the project. He noted that John wants to step aside as chair due to his other time commitments. Consequently we are recruiting leaders for the group. After some description of the responsibilities of the chair and the role of the Standards Manager in supporting document development, Marisa Dery volunteered to be Chair and Thomas Lago volunteered to be Vice-Chair.

Open Projects:

AES-X253 Standard for Audio Collection Guidelines in a Field/Unknown Location
Richard Cabot scrolled through the draft document. There was considerable discussion about what the term fluent means, especially with respect to dialect and vocabulary. In response to a question by Marisa Dery about what documents should be referenced he suggested that members submit all documents they think are relevant. After the document text is largely complete the group can separate documents into references and bibliography.

John Hansen joined briefly. He was unable to participate due to a scheduling conflict. He will edit the suggested changes he has already received into the document and upload it to the document repository. This will provide a clean handoff to Marisa as the new chair.


No new liaison information.

New projects

No new projects were proposed.

New business

No new business was raised.

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 150th Convention, to be held either face-to-face or online in May 2020.