The spring meetings of the AES Standards Working Groups have been scheduled for May, prior to the AES Spring convention. Since the convention will be held online the standards meetings will also be virtual. Unlike prior conventions, the meetings have been scheduled for a total of 8 days (12 - 14 May and 17 - 21 May) so that all meetings can take place between 15:00 GMT and 17:30 GMT. This time window provides the most convenient access for AES members across the widest possible span of time zones. Each day has only two scheduled meetings. One of the meeting times will be used for the May Standards Webinar on the work of SC-02-12-M. The last day, Friday 21 May, will be the plenary session where individual working groups report their progress in summary form.
All standards meetings will be held using Zoom and are open to all interested parties. Membership in AESSC working groups is open to all individuals. AES membership is not required.
Posted: Monday, April 19, 2021
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