The New York AES Convention in October 2020 has been converted to a virtual format as a consequence of the COVID19 pandemic. Therefore the concurrent AES Standards meetings will be online as well.
Since physical attendance is not required, the Standards meetings will not be held on the same dates as the technical sessions. Standards meetings will be held before the technical sessions, to reduce schedule conflicts for attendees.
Since attendees will no longer all be in the same time zone, as happens with physical meetings, the meeting schedule will be different. Meetings will occur over 5 days beginning October 5 with the Plenary session on Saturday October 10. Meetings have been limited to 3 hours in any single day to allow meeting times which span the widest number of waking time zones.
Since all active Task Groups hold regular online meetings, usually biweekly, they will not hold special meetings associated with the online convention.
Posted: Monday, September 7, 2020
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