The Vienna AES Convention in May 2020 is being converted to a virtual format as a consequence of the COVID19 pandemic. Consequently the concurrent AES Standards meetings will be changing to an online format.
Since physical attendance is no longer required, the Standards meetings will not be held on the same dates as the online convention. It is likely that they will be held the week after the AES convention, to reduce schedule conflicts for attendees.
Since attendees will no longer all be in the same time zone, as happens with physical meetings, the meeting schedule will be changed. Meetings will be limited to 2 hours in any single day to allow selection of a meeting time which spans the widest number of waking time zones. This will extend the meetings over more than the usual 4 days.
When a schedule is determined it will be posted on the AES Standards web site in the AES Standards Meetings and Reports web page. Emails will be sent to all AES Standards Working Group and Task Group members announcing the time for their individual meetings.
Posted: Thursday, April 2, 2020
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