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AES-1id-2012, Plane-wave tubes - Design and practice

AES-1id-2012, Plane-wave tubes - Design and practice

AES-1id-2012, AES Information Document for Acoustics - Plane-Wave Tubes - Design and Practice, has been published

The standard AES2 calls for the use of plane-wave tube measurement of high-frequency horn drivers. Because many variations and results are possible, depending on the details of construction of plane-wave tubes, this document discusses those variations for the purpose of encouraging further experimentation.

This 2012 edition is a revision of AES 1id-1991. Additional uses of a plane-wave tube are listed. Further tests were performed to compare a distant microphone location with a close location to test the hypothesis that non-plane-wave radiation would be more accurately measured. A termination method is described. A modern method of calibration is referenced and summarized.


Posted: Tuesday, February 12, 2013

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