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AES57-2011 Metadata - Audio object structures for preservation and restoration

AES57-2011 sets out the vocabulary to be used in describing digital and analog audio formats, including both those formats that exist in some tangible form such as a reel of tape and those that exist only as a set of bits, untied to a single audio carrier, such as a broadcast wave file. This vocabulary takes the form of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema. By doing so it provides a structured human readable instance document that can be easily parsed and manipulated using any of a number of freely available programming libraries and tools. The schema is designed for flexibility, providing a number of data elements that are optional. This is necessary since often there will be certain information that cannot be known, particularly in archive settings where technicians are asked to preserve materials that have little or no accompanying documentation. As a result the base set of required elements does not necessarily represent the minimal description necessary for preservation, but rather is the set of elements that is expected to be known or determinable at a minimum.

Posted: Thursday, September 22, 2011

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