

AES Standards News Blog

AES6-2008, Method for measurement of weighted peak flutter has been published

Weighted peak flutter is measured using a 3150-Hz tone transmitted through the equipment. The tone is frequency demodulated, frequency-response weighted, peak-to-peak detected, time-response weighted, and read out on a two-sigma statistical voltmeter over a period of at least 5 s. Results are reported as "weighted peak flutter of the recorder (or reproducer, or recording/reproducing system): ± __ percent."

A toleranced graph and table give the frequency-response weighting (approximately at 6-dB-per-octave drop above and below 4 Hz, with an additional drop below 0,5 Hz). The statistical voltmeter is described; it is preferred, and replaces the quasi-peak meter (now deprecated) of the original standard.

Good engineering practices are given for the meter design. The rationale for this standard is given in an annex. This standard has technical requirements identical to IEC 60386 Ed.1 1972 as amended by IEC 60386-am1, 1988. Measurement results according to this standard are identical to those made according to the older standards originally published as IEEE Std-193, IEC 60386 Ed.1 1972, CCIR 409-2, and DIN 45 507.

Posted: Monday, February 16, 2009

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