
Loyola Marymount University AES Section

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Upcoming Meetings and Information

LMU AES members and non-members!

A few things:

1.) (Members only) If you want to come to Professor Gedemer's barbeque next Saturday the 22nd, get in contact with one of us upperclassmen and we will give you more details.

2.) (Members only) Nominations are now open for officer positions. Please make your nominations on our AES facebook group. The last day to nominate yourself or another member is Friday, September 28th, 2012.

3.) (Members and non-members welcome) Our first meeting will be held Monday, October 1st, 2012 in the COM building room 206 @ 10pm. We will have a vote for new officers and duscuss what is on the agenda for this semester, as well as our upcoming trip to the AES convention in San Francisco!


See you there.



Posted: Friday, September 14, 2012

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AES Meeting Minutes for March 5th, 2012

AES Meeting Minutes for March 5th, 2012

 Fundraising Ideas or T-shirts could produce money for field trips. Possible used book drive.  

Student Critique Night: student gathering to critque each other's work. Shoot for sometime in April. Jeff talked to Bob about reserving Mayer Theater. May have to be Wednesday afternoons. Jeff will follow up on this.

Thursday March 8t, 2012 @ noon in Studio L, Microphone shoot out.

Mentor Program: Pick a mentor and post your request on our facebook group.

 Project Pitches: Eric has a 16 piece Acapella group from Chapman coming in on Sunday March 11th, show up around 10:00 am in Studio L.

 Jessica will be recording a band in Studio L on Saturday March 10th, 2012 if you’d like to join contact her.


This Friday and Saturday, March 9 and 11, Matt Rice needs a sound mixer for a documentary. Call times are in afternoon and 8 hour days. Let Rolando know if you’re interested.

Microphone Shootout: We will set up an array of microphones and record clips of a vocal melody, a voiceover, and acoustic guitars to compare to one another. 


Posted: Wednesday, March 21, 2012

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