Location: Zoom virtual Meeting (5pm Central European Time / Germany time zone)
Moderated by: Elena Shabalina - d&b audiotechnik GmbH
Speaker(s): Nadja Schinkel-Bielefeld - Sivantos GmbH
Hearing aid functionality changes with the acoustic situation and is steered by complex algorithms. This makes it necessary to evaluate hearing aids not only under specific, well controlled conditions in the laboratory, but also in real life. A method to do so is ecological momentary assessment. This typically involves subjects filling out several questionnaires per day describing their experience with the hearing aids in the current moment and the acoustic environment they are in. In addition, objective data about the acoustic situation can be collected from the hearing aids.
Compared to traditional home trial studies and retrospective questionnaire this has the advantage of having less memory bias and being more context sensitive, as results can be evaluated for different acoustic situations. However, as subjects may avoid difficult situations or change their behaviour depending on the hearing aids, subjective ratings of the hearing aids alone may not give an accurate picture without considering the experienced environments as well.
In my talk I will describe some example EMA studies we did – including a completely contactless one – and will discuss advantages and challenges of this method.
The Presenter
Nadja Schinkel-Bielefeld studied physics at the Universities of Bremen (Germany) and Durham (UK), graduating from the latter with a M.Sc. in Elementary Particle Theory. She obtained a doctorate from Bremen University for research on probabilistic models of human contour integration, conducted at the Institute of Theoretical Neurophysics. She went on to do two postdocs in the United States. The first one was in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she worked models for human perceptual organization and its implications for computer human interactions. The second one was in the NeuroTheory Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park, where she worked on nonlinear models of single neuron computation in the auditory system. After returning to Germany, she worked at the Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits conducting research on listening test methodology for the subjective evaluation of speech and audio-coded material. In 2017 she joined Sivantos GmbH where she focuses on big data analysis and the evaluation of hearing aids in everyday life using ecological momentary assessment.
Join Meeting
The colloquium will be held in English.
Link: https://dbaudio.zoom.us/j/92281799832?pwd=dkEzNStLNXVubmM0ZHRhalZqdVB6QT09
Meeting-ID: 922 8179 9832
Password: 404494
The Meeting Format: We will be hosting this meeting using Zoom. Most participants will have audio and video muted during the meeting. The moderator will un-mute participants in turn to ask a question during the Q&A period. This will be explained again at the beginning of the meeting. For a better quality we suggest to use a headset with microphone.
ical Event: Add ical event to your office client.
Other Business: there will be a Q&A session after the talk.
Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2020
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