
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - September 3, 2019

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KRK left 2 pairs of speakers in our studios for the last few weeks, and Casey Young visited CRAS on 9/3 to share about KRK and his experiences in the music industry. He started as a "synth guy", then got into surround sound as a restoration engineer. He was a session keyboard player (and still is), and had the opportunity to work with a lot of big bands. As he went to work for some manufacturers, he began running surround systems and getting to know how to mix. From there, he worked on classic records that needed to be re-mixed into surround sound. He has worked on over 1,000 titles, and his algorithms appear on almost every film and television program today. His last gig was at Harmon as their "Lexicon guy", helping=========[; design the PCM surround system. Now, he works for a company called Sonic Sales and operates as a
manufacturer representative, he travels around talking to people about how to use equipment. He shared some life experiences and gave advice to the students in the room about how to become and remain employable, and how to use your skills to transfer between jobs within pro audio. When asked what he would like to see in interns/employees, he said that attitude is extremely important. Someone's ability to fit in is very important to getting and keeping a studio job. He also advised students not to do drugs if they want to have a long career. He shared with the students how much things have changed during his career - we are now in an age of "instant" and things that used to be done by hand are now automated. He spoke about the
history of synths and how many of today's machines owe their roots to Germany during WWII. His home studio now has 18-20 synths, all talking to each other, that he uses commercially. Casey then shares some of his music with us, playing a hit from his album which did very well in Europe. He recommended for anyone wanting to get into synthesizers that they buy one and start putting in the time, and study and understand acoustics. He said he learned a lot from reading, as there were no synth teachers back when he was learning. We ended the event with a KRK hat giveaway then listened to student mixes on the KRK Rokit 10's.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society