
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - August 22, 2016

Meeting Topic:

Speaker Name:

Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


Old business-The meeting opened with the AES student chapter president introducing himself and greeting all of the new students beginning their first cycle at CRAS. Everyone went around the room with a brief summary of where they were from and what area of audio they are interested in studying. Our president talked about a musician database that the chapter had put together, indexing the students that would be willing to perform in student projects and sessions. He encouraged suggestions for any improvements to the list the students had to offer. Old business came to a close discussing the upcoming events and their potential dates. Flyers for the week's event were handed out for the members to pass on to their classmates and the floor was opened to new ideas.
New business- A cycle one student, Skyler, inquired about building a linear amp for a CB radio (a device that extends the range of your radio) and the conversation evolved into researching how capable it would be to build DI boxes and effects peddles as well. Lia mentioned she had a contact contracted with Mumford and sons and if she could obtain backstage passes, suggested how beneficial it would be to go behind the scenes of a professional level stage show. A new student asked when he would learn more about EQing in a live setting, leading to a discussion about what the Live Sound course had to offer and what extra-curricular classes would encompass it in their lessons. The president, Secretary and later cycle students ended the meeting taking questions from the new students on the school, clarifying anything that wasn't completely understood. With no more suggestions the meeting was adjourned.

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society