
AES Section Meeting Reports

Italian - June 24, 2015

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The Italian Section of the Audio Engineering Society, with the collaboration of Sapienza University of Rome and the Conservatory L. Refice of Frosinone, held the XII workshop on "Technologies for Digital Audio and Music." The workshop, is a traditional biennial appointment for researchers and major audio companies and was held at the prestigious 'Aula del Chiostro' of the Faculty of Engineering, Rome.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together experts, scientists, practitioners to discuss of latest research issues on audio and music technologies (sound, music, sound recording and playback, acoustic perception, cultural and sociological aspects, auditory communication, music languages, acoustic and electronic musical instruments, room acoustics, microphone techniques and so on).

As in every edition, this year the program was very rich. Several experts from academia and industry were present. The program of this edition was:

Nicola Bernardini, "Creatività Musicale e Ricerca Scientifica", Scuola di Musica Elettronica, Conservatorio "S.Cecilia" Roma.

Enrico Cosimi, "L'incarnazione di un classico: Minimoog Model D. Come estrarre l'indispensabile dalla struttura di sintesi sottrattiva analogica in regime modulare" Università di Roma - Tor Vergata.

Gianni Giudici, "Emulare l'organo Hammond: la clonazione dell'imperfezione", Studiologic.

Eugenio Giordani, "Didattica, composizione, fast prototyping e 'dsp engine' per applicazioni iOS con Csound e CsoundQt", Conservatorio "G. Rossini" Pesaro.

Francesco Castagna , "Jürgen Schmitz: la genialità in azienda", Korg Italy.

Alessandro Cipriani, Maurizio Giri, "Costruire plug-in per Max for Live", Conservatorio di Musica "L. Refice" di Frosinone.

Mike Gazzaruso, Lorenzo Curia, "L'importanza dell'analisi di modelli analogici nella creazione di DSP software", Devoloop, Srl.

Fabrizio Bianco, Flavio Ibba, "Composizione e Produzione con le nuove tecnologie", Accademia Teatro Alla Scala, RedRose Production

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