
AES Section Meeting Reports

Boston - March 27, 2014

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On Tues March 27th, 2014 the Boston Section of the Audio Engineering Society featured "Studio of the Future: 2020-2050" presented by John La Grou. The presentation gave a brief look at the evolution of audio electronics, a theory of innovation, and a sweeping vision of audio production technology. Informed by the growth theories of Moore, Cray, and Kurzweil, projections were discussed for the next forty years of professional audio products, production techniques, and delivery formats.

John is founder and CEO of Millennia Media, a world leader in the design of audio electronics for critical acoustic music. Roughly half of all major Hollywood film scores are recorded via Millennia electronics. Over 50,000 Millennia channels are in use worldwide. Millennia has received 30+ major industry awards and was recently selected by the U.S. Library of Congress to design and manufacture a new generation of archiving electronics for converting the Library's collection of 3 million legacy audio recordings (of every conceivable historic format) onto high resolution digital storage.

He is also founder and chair of POW-r Consortium, the world's leading digital-audio bit-length reduction algorithms, used annually on roughly 1/3 of all CDs and audio downloads (licensed by Apple, Avid, etc.). "If you listen to music, you listen to POW-r."

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