Meeting Topic: Section Elections For 2014 - 15 Academic Year
Moderator Name: 2013-2014 Student Executive Board
Speaker Name: Aaron Goldstein and Steve VanDyne
Other business or activities at the meeting: Elections were held and a discussion of future meetings for the next school year was covered. The newly elected exec. board agreed on making as many connections and networking opportunities during this summer, as to benefit the Ohio University AES chapter next year.
Meeting Location: 9 South College Street, RTVC 281, Athens, Ohio 45701
At this final student section meeting for the 2013/14 academic year, section officers will hold a roundtable discussion of the year's past events and hold elections for the 2014/15 academic year. The election went as follows:
Olivia Powers - President
Greg Ornella - Vice President
Gretchen Snyder - Treasurer
Steve VanDyne - Secretary
Written By: Greg Ornella