
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - April 24, 2013

Meeting Topic:

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Today the ?rst thing we did was introduce AES to 1st cycle students, explaining to them
what AES is, and what we do in our weekly meetings. After the intro to AES we
discussed our upcoming DI box build,music theory clinic, CRAS open house and the
ability to intern for it, internship bootcamp, and described what all of these events were
to the new cycle students and gave the dates for each event . We then discussed some
possible future clinic ideas such as guitar tech day or a Mastering clinic. Nicholas Wylie
presented his "late 80s Furmann" compressor that he had just ?nished restoring. Owen
then presented his music genre overview about soul music starting with its origin in the
1960s all the way till modern day, as well as giving some music examples as he moved
along the years. lastly I presented my focusrite isa two microphone preampli?er,
explaining some of its features and the cost of it.

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