Location: Seattle, WA USA
Moderated by: Dan Mortensen
Speaker(s): Dansound Inc.
Online Webinar
Digital mixers are here, alive, and flourishing, all the way from only a few inputs and outputs to replacements for Yamaha PM4000 analog desks. They hit all price points now, from affordable to <gasp>. Most feature some way to access them via Wi-Fi using some sort of tablet computer/controller. Some have no physical control surface; instead they depend on computer displays and a mouse, or touchscreens. The feature set at the input level is extremely deep, with control capabilities formerly reserved for only the elite of the analog mixer world. In this world, small does not mean limited capability.
Dan's presentation features the basics as well as an advanced look at the components of the system, including
This presentation will cover both tablet control of regular consoles as well as consoles that can only be controlled by tablet or laptop computer, although laptop mixing will only be tangentially mentioned. Relatively inexpensive digital mixers have changed Dan's workflow almost entirely for the better, and he is continually astonished to be able to mix a show out front or onstage without touching and physically moving a mixer and snake at all. In a normal year, that could be 20-30 times, and for another another 80 or so shows is using a tablet to do virtually the entire soundcheck while standing close to the artist or wherever he needs to be in the auditorium to get the job done, while mixing during the show on a combination of tablet and full console.
Other Business: Election Notice We will hold our annual officer and committee member election at our June meeting. Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer) are typically nominated from the existing Committee. Committee members can be anyone interested and willing to help your section produce meetings. Officers serve for one year. Committee members serve for two years, with half electing on odd numbered years, and the other half electing on even numbered years. The current list of officers and committee members can be found here. If you are interested in participating, please contact anyone on the list. You must be a member or associate member at the time you assume the position.
Posted: Tuesday, April 7, 2020
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