
Pacific Northwest AES Section Blog

Past Event: The Music of Destiny

March 27, 2019 at 7:30 pm

Location: Digipen Institute of Technology, Redmond, WA

Moderated by: Steve Turnidge

Speaker(s): All are with Bungie Studios: Skye Lewin, Michael C. Salvatori, and Josh Mosser

Three members of the composition and mixing team team from Bungie give us a rare glimpse behind one of the most popular games of this generation. Skye Lewin (Music Director and Composer at Bungie), Michael C. Salvatori (Composer at Bungie), and Josh Mosser (Senior Music Mixer/Editor at Bungie) discuss their inspiration, workflow, and the concept of creativity on a deadline when delivering live symphonic soundtracks containing hundreds of minutes of original music, elaborately sound designed cinematic sequences, and dialog in umpteen languages.

Skye, Michael, and Josh will ply us with tales of the past, present, and future of gaming through the prism of Destiny and Destiny 2.

Further details at our website: http://www.aes.org/sections/pnw/

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Posted: Friday, March 15, 2019

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