
Pacific Northwest AES Section Blog

October Meeting Synopsis and Future Meeting Plans

L-R: Section Chair Dan Mortensen and Dana Olson, PNW Committee

L-R: Section Chair Dan Mortensen and Dana Olson, PNW Committee

A note from the chair:
Many of you missed a great meeting tonight by Dana Olson; he did a fascinating job of showing his methodology and progress in learning speaker design, prediction, and measurement. His speakers sounded pretty darn good to me within their limits, particularly SPL (they are somewhat SPL limited). His work really paid off in a visually and audibly pleasing pair of speakers, as well as a wonderful presentation that set a high bar for future meetings.
Some things came up tonight for our future meetings, and in the absence of other immediate options I’m inclined to want to proceed with them.
Our November meeting will be the drum workshop at Robert Lang’s with a group of drummers and theoreticians on Nov. 29 or 30. Those people are not precisely known but I am hopeful that we will ID them within the next couple of weeks. We will post more as soon as it's final.
It would be nice if we could have a scientific type person to discuss Helmholtz resonators and the like as that applies to drums, and perhaps also come up with a way to model a drum. JJ, is that something that could be interesting for you? I would love to hear your thoughts about the sound and characteristics of drums.
For December, Steve Macatee is willing to talk about Dante (a networked digital audio transport protocol). I think that’s a terrific idea, and would like to hear further thoughts from him and this group (particularly Dave Tosti Lane) about such a presentation. That meeting would be early December, so we would have a couple of meetings over the course of a couple of weeks. This is because the November meeting can’t be before the 29th because of studio bookings, and we want an early December meeting rather than later for obvious reasons.
For January, we talked about JJ and Bob Smith doing a meeting with a title something like “I Have To Mix It In HERE?”, which was to be a discussion of bedroom type studio spaces and how to make them better. Bob and JJ have apparently talked  about it and it sounds like planning is proceeding.
Steve Turnidge introduced me to a client (?) of his who is a turntablist from England and who told me some interesting things about what he had done and can do, and who is willing to do a meeting for us. We talked about February 8 at Shoreline as a possible date (assuming Wednesdays will be the day next quarter, too). He is employed at Shoreline, so that is a natural. 
Note that those of you who have meeting ideas should come forward and agitate for them and not wait to be asked. I am a big fan of specific meeting ideas with specifics about who will present them and when. 
—dan mortensen
2016-2016 PNW Section Chair

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Posted: Friday, October 14, 2016

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