
Pacific Northwest AES Section Blog

Summer ON! | July-August Hiatus | Election Results

 The June meeting, Algorithmic Reverb, with Sean Costello of ValhallaDSP, was well attended, with sufficient AES members present to have a quorum of members. Having a quorum let the election proceed, with Chris Deckard elected Chair, and Steve Turnidge elected Vice-Chair. René Jaeger of JaegerAudio was elected to the committee. Steve Malott is stepping down from active service, and we thank him for his multi-year contribution to your Section.

With the June meeting, we complete our year of meetings, and we now take the summer off, to recharge our batteries, plan the next year of meetings, and to not interfere with your own vacation plans. If you have an idea or suggestion for a meeting, please let any of the officers or committee know, ASAP, so it can be factored into the planning process.

The audio and meeting report from the June meeting will be online shortly, along with Sean's slide deck.

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Posted: Saturday, July 18, 2015

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