We have initiated two specific efforts to improve AES-DC section support:
A group of volunteers who serve as AES-DC section web-masters to develop and maintain this AES-DC section webpage; and meeting coordinators who devise meeting topics, make arrangements for featured speakers, and investigate sites for section meetings.
Our webmaster volunteers are working to make this webpage a useful and dynamic link to the AES-DC section. They are also working to distribute email notifications to all of you who are members, and to 'friends' of the AES-DC section (those who are not yet members, and those who share our interest in audio).
Our meeting coordinator volunteers are expected to work with other groups such as the Acoustical Society of America DC Chapter (ASA-DC), the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers DC section (SMPTE-DC), the Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC), and other professional and academic organizations. We plan to coordinate with AES student chapters to enhance the educational value of our section to all.
Our work is just beginning, so your patience will be appreciated. In time we will contact you directly with meeting notices and other information. We have many ideas, but as always, welcome your suggestions and comments for webpage content and meeting topics that will help serve your needs and interests.
If you would like to be part of any of our efforts, contact me directly. AES members can contact me through the AES-website member database.
Posted: Thursday, December 26, 2013