
Colorado AES Section Blog

AES Colorado Professional Section Officers Election Results

Leslie Gaston,  Outgoing Chair, AES-Colorado

Leslie Gaston, Outgoing Chair, AES-Colorado

Dear members of the Audio Engineering Society Colorado Section,

I'd like to welcome Jeff Smith (Chair), Doug Greenlee (Vice-Chair), David Bondelevitch (Secretary), and Joe Erickson (Treasurer) to their new positions as AES officers for the Colorado Section.  These fine audio professionals are already hard at work planning an exciting new year for you, the members of AES-Colorado. 

Especially exciting is the upcoming 46th Conference of the AES on Audio Forensics  to be hosted here in Denver on June 14-16, 2012.  We are also seeing some increased interest in involvement by the AES Student Section at the University of Colorado Denver.

As always, I encourage each of you to get more involved, and with our social networking improvements it will be easier than ever. More on these improvements to come, including a new web site!


Yours in Audio,

Leslie Gaston

Outgoing Chair, AES-Colorado

Posted: Friday, September 30, 2011

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