Key: * = Recaps written editorial style
May 5, 2015 - Richard Heyser - 28 Years Later (video)
March 18, 2015 - AES Tour of the Marcus Addison Cinema and a demo/review of their Dolby ATMOS system
February 24, 2015 - Grammy Telecast Audio - The Most Complex Audio Production in
Broadcast Television

November 25, 2014 - An Evening with Fred Breitberg (video)
October 28, 2014 – AES Tour of CBS Radio's Performance Stage & Radio Stations
September 30, 2014 – The Genius of Ben Bauer: 75 Years of the Shure Unidyne Microphone (video)
May 21, 2014 – Francis Rumsey presents Spatial Audio – Reconstructing Reality or Creating Illusion? (video)
April 30, 2014 – Tour of Chicago Public Media/WBEZ
January 29, 2014 – Jon Boley presents The Psychoacoustics of Phase*

December 3 2013 – Brian McCarty presents Current trends in Audio for Visual Media*
November 26 2013 – Plamen Ivanov presents Microphone Array Usage in Mobile Device Multimedia Applications*
September 25 2013 – Robert B. Schulein and Dan Mapes-Riordann present 3D Sound for Personal Entertainment Devices *
July 3rd 2013 – A
conversation with George Massenburg; in person
April 23rd 2013 – Don
Keele presents
to CBT Loudspeaker Arrays
March 20th 2013 – Frank
Wells presents Tales from the Transition – A Console on the Edge
February 18th 2013 – Scott
Wyatt presents Electronic and Computer Music at the Experimental
Music Studios of the University of Illinois

December 19th 2012 – Wade
Conklin presents Application of Microelectromechanical (MEMs)
Microphones to Hearing Aids*
November 14th 2012 – Richard
Stroud presents Designing a Flat-Panel Speaker.*
July 18th 2012 – Guy
Torio presents The Evolution of Audio Technology that Transports
the Cinematic Experience into the Home
April 18th 2012 – A
DVD viewing of the 2011 interview with Leo Beranek as part of the
NAMM Oral History Program
March 21st 2012 – Daniel
Warren presents Directivity and Matched Microphones
February 29th 2012 – John
Hardy presents The Evolution of Mic Preamps in my Life

December 6th 2011 – Dr
Pantelis Vassilakis presents Perceptual Implications of Data
Compressed Audio
November 15th 2011 - Tom
Jung presents A Firsthand-Look at Five Decades of Audio
September 21st, 2011 –
Schneller welcomes us into his Specimen workshop.*
June 21st 2011 - Ribbon
Microphones: Then and Now.*
June 8th 2011 - Larry
Crane: A Life of Recording Gear Mistrust (and Lust)...
Starting June 2011 - Recaps
written editorial style are marked with an asterisk (*)
April 2011 and prior - Recaps
written editorial style are hyperlinks
April 2011 - Increasing
Sample Rates for Digital Audio: Benefits and Tradeoffs.
March 2011 - Why
is Concert Sound better than it used to be…or is it?.
February 2011 - Forensic
Audio Analysis.

November 2010 - Audio
in an RF World.
October 2010 - Gravity
Studios Tour.
September 2010 - The
Chicago School of Violin Making Tour.
June 2010 - The Hearing
Conservation Seminar.
April 2010 - Effects of
musicial experience on the nervous system.
March 2010 - Lies, Damned
Lies & Specifications.
February 2010 - Riverbank
Acoustical Laboratories: Acoustics, Cotton and Cryptology.
January 2010 - ImmersAV
Technology™ Creating an Immersive Audio Visual Experience.

December 2009 - Note by
Note. The Making of Steinway L1037.
November 2009 - Pioneering
Innovations in Festival and Touring Sound of the 1950s and 1960s.
October 2009 - Audio
vs. Video.
September 2009 - The
Ship in a Bottle-- Rendering an Amplified Venue in Wood.
June 2009 - Kenowerks
Studio Tour .
May 2009 - Upgrading the
Audio Industry.
April 2009 - High Quality
Audio and the Internet.
February 2009 -
Recording with File-Based Digital Multi-Track Recorders.
January 2009 - Theater
Sound with Blue Man Group.

December 2008 - Piano
Tuning and Inharmonicity.
November 2008 - The
Quest for the World’s Oldest Recorded Sounds.
October 2008 - Tour
of Bob Paquette's Microphone Museum.
September 2008 - Audio
May 2008 - Digital
Audio Networking.
April 2008 - Advanced
Simulation of a Condenser Microphone Capsule.
March 2008 - Tour
of Audio Facilities at Willow Creek Community Church.
February 2008 - Analog
Audio Console Design.

December 2007 - Linear
Array Transducers.
October 2007 - The
Pro Audio Industry Goes to Washington - 700 MHz and White Spaces
issues related to Wireless Microphone Operation.
September 2007 - Knowles
Tour and the Evolution of Balanced Armature Speakers for
High-Fidelity In-Ear Applications.
May 2007 - Microphones and
Ear Simulators for High Frequency Measurements.
April 2007 - A
Case Study in Modern Acoustical Design: The Shure Performance and
Listening Center.
March 2007 - Radio,
Audio, and Technology.
February 2007 - Time-coherent
January 2007 - Auditory
Illusions: What, Why, and How.

December 2006 - Measuring
Sound Quality.
November 2006 - Measurements
and Subjective Evaluations of Audio Systems.
October 2006 - An
Evening with Peter Scheiber.
September 2006 - Video
Game Audio.
July 2006 - Gepco
April 2006 - Review
Of Early Constant-Directivity Horn Development, TEF Measurements,
And The Nearfield Paper
February 2006 - Mixing
for In Ear Monitors
January 2006 - SiSonicTM
– The First Commercialized Silicon Microphone

December 2005 - Adler
Planetarium's Starrider Theater Surround System Development and
November 2005 - Shure,
Incorporated Technology Annex Tour.
September 2005 - A
Vibrational Analysis of the Musical Harp.
July 2005 - Real-World
Audio Interfaces and Other-World Myths.
June 2005 - Jay
Pritzker Pavilion Tour.
May 2005 - Studio
Technologies, Inc. Tour.
March 2005 - Digital Radio
in the 21st Century
February 2005 - Fundamentals
of Broadcast Audio Processing.
January 2005 - An
Applied Approach to Performance Recording.

December 2004 - Binaural
Recording: 1932 – 2004 Creating Realistic Sound Fields Using
Only Two Audio Channels.
November 2004 - Microphones
and Recording Techniques for Surround Sound.
October 2004 - “How
To” Surround Workshop.
September 2004 - Pressure
Point Recording Studios.
June 2004 - Year-End
Banquet and "An Afternoon with Jack Mullin" AES
May 2004 - The
Audible Effects of Converters.
April 2004 - Lost
on the Way to the Brain.
March 2004 - Tour
of Columbia College's New Audio Technology Center
February 2004 - Audio
Processing for Immersive Audio/Video Systems.
January 2004 - RF
Interference and Audio Systems.

November 6th 2003 - History
and Future of Surround Sound.
October 22nd 2003 - Acoustic
September 24th 2003 - Clear
Channel Communications Studios Tour.
June 12th 2003 - Technology
Issues In Surround Sound, Multi-Channel and Multi-Format Audio.
May 20th 2003 - Measurement
of Loudspeaker Amplitude Modulation Distortion.
May 6th 2003 - Systems
for Stereo Sound Reinforcement - Performance Criteria, Design
Techniques, Practical Examples, and Microphone Techniques.
April 2003 - Joseph
Henry, Lecture Halls, and Fog Horns: Acoustics in the Service of
March 2003 - Game
February 2003 - The
Mechanics of Hearing Loss: Impact on Sound Perception with Hearing
Aids & Cochlear Implants.
January 2003 - Conflicts
in Approach to Classic and Modern Audio Recording.

November 2002 - Inventions
and Patents in Audio Engineering.
October 2002 - Networked
June 2002 - Virtual
Sampling Technology.
May 2002 - Evolution
of High Resolution Digital Audio in an Era of Multichannel
April 2002 - Audio
Power Amplifiers: a Brief History.
March 2002 - Acoustical
Implementation in the Real World.
February 2002 - A
High Frequency Acoustical Element for Multi-band Articulated Line
Arrays AND The EVO powered DSP intelligent loudspeaker system.
January 2002 - Towards
a Better Understanding of 1-Bit Sigma-Delta Modulators

December 18th 2001 - Wireless
Telephone Design Considerations
October 30th 2001 - Riverbank
Laboratories Tour
October 10th 2001 - The
EIA-426-B Loudspeaker Power Rating Compact Disc. What's on it? How
do I use it?
June 2001 - Exploring
Digital Audio
May 24th 2001 - Envelopment
in Concert Halls and Listening Rooms - (or How many woofers do we
really need?)
May 2nd 2001 - DSP
in the Installed Sound Market
April 2001 - Acoustical
Design as it pertains to different sizes and types of rooms
February 2001 - Goodman
Theatre Tour
January 2001 - MP3
& Internet Audio.

December 2000 - Otoacoustic
Emissions (OAEs).
November 2000 - The
Unique Performance Properties of Dual Diaphragm Condenser
October 2000 - Considerations
in Audio Circuit Design
June 2000 - The Audio of
May 2000 - Loudspeaker
Design Panel
April 2000 - Multi-Channel
Matrix Imaging Systems
March 2000 - Is This Thing
On? (And Which Way is Up?) Practical Aspects of Microphone Polar
February 2000 - Acoustic
Boundary Element Simulation of Nonlinear Alerting Devices
January 2000 - The
Acoustic Lever

December 1999 - Speakers
on the Other Side of the Decimal Point (The Design and
Construction of Speakers for Hearing Aids
November 1999 - Grounding,
Shielding, Hums, Buzzes, and Things that Go ZAP! in Audio Signal
Processing Systems
October 1999 - Tour
of the Motorola Museum of Electronics
May 1999 - The
Proximity Effect in Directional Condenser Microphones
April 1999 - Contrary
To Local Trends, This Successful Radio Station Was Victim Of
Divestiture, Not Consolidation!

December 1998 - Numerical
Acoustics for Transducer Development
November 1998 - Chicago's
Orchestra Hall Reborn
April 1998 - Perception
Based Audio Signal Processing
February 1998 - Source
Directionality and Concert Halls
January 1998 - Loudspeaker
Distortion Modeling

December 1997 - Studio
Technologies, Inc.
November 1997 - The
Virtual Orchestra
October 1997 - Auditory