
Chicago AES Section Blog

A Houses of Worship Case Study: Soul City



Laz Rios, Soul City Tech Director and
Ron Cook, Chicagoland Worship Audio Engineers 


A Houses of Worship Case Study: Soul City 

Soul City, in the West Loop, is a fine example of well applied tech. They have all the pieces.... Live cameras with IMAG and live stream, wireless ears and mics, well installed line arrays that actually sound good. Virtual Soundcheck. Just enough lighting to be cool. A backstage tech crew with clever ways of communicating. Lots to talk about, all of it a notch above entry level, but implemented so well you might mistake them for having an unlimited budget. 

Laz and his team will give us a tour of their facilities and demonstrate their Virtual SoundChecks. Ron is ideally placed to give those of us new to Worship Audio a sense of how Soul City fits in the larger context. 


Laz Rios, Soul City Tech Director

Lazarus Rios is the Technical Director for Soul City Church. Laz spent many years on the road touring as a front man for a metal band, where he gained a love for music, and production. After touring he transitioned into special event management where he spent 5 years building and managing teams. It was in that season that he felt a call into full time technical ministry. Laz joined the Soul City Church Creative Team in March of 2018. He now recruits and trains all production volunteer teams and oversees AVL for weekend gatherings and throughout the building.

Ron Cook, Chicagoland Worship Audio Engineers

Ron Cook is a Front of House, Monitor, and Mix Engineer. For 15 years Ron was a staff audio engineer at Willow Creek Community Church in the Chicago Suburbs. In late 2015 Ron left Willow Creek to form Split The Difference Audio, LLC working with production companies and churches locally in the Chicago area and across the Country as well. In addition, Ron provides studio and live webstream mixing services. Ron is a DPA Microphones Master Club Member and was the 2018 Vice President of the Chicagoland Chapter of the Engineering And Recording Society (EARS)

More Information

Posted: Saturday, February 16, 2019

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