AES New York 2019
Recording & Production Track Event IS02

Wednesday, October 16, 10:45 am — 12:00 pm (1E06)

Immersive & Spatial Audio: IS02 - Music Production in Immersive Formats: Alternative Perspectives

Thomas Aichinger, scopeaudio - Austria
Zachary Bresler, University of Agder - Kristiansand S, Vest-Agder, Norway
Sally Kellaway, Microsoft - Seattle, WA, USA
Jo Lord, University of West London - London, UK

Evidenced by the large volume of presentations on immersive audio at the previous AES conventions in Dublin and New York and the AES conferences on Immersive and Interactive Audio, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Spatial Reproduction, 3D audio is of growing interest within our field. As Anastasia Devana of Magic Leap stated in her keynote at the IIA conference, it is the “bleeding edge” of our industry. In spatial audio, there are many competing ideas and technologies from delivery formats to production standards and aesthetics. From the perspective of music creators, the norms of music production and the terms used to describe practice are often clumsy or not helpful when applied in 3D. It is in this context that we propose this workshop on immersive music production. We will discuss several questions from the perspective of creatives in immersive and interactive music content. What are the changing ways that creators use and exploit 3D technologies? How do we describe the way that we make content for such systems? What are the practices, standards, and formats that creators use, and which ones should they use in the future? What are the interesting use-cases for 3D audio that challenge the way we think about music and audio production?

Zachary Bresler, Ph.D. fellow, University of Agder. Research explores music production in immersive formats and the staging of listeners in immersive compositional design.

Jo Lord, Ph.D. student, University of West London. Research investigates the development, practical application, and aesthetic suitability of 3D mix technique for record production.

Dr. Eve Klein, senior lecturer in music technology and popular music, University of Queensland. Currently researches within the VR/AR space, creating large-scale immersive festival experiences.

Thomas Aichinger, founder, scopeaudio. Studio specialized in sound design and post-production, focusing on spatial audio productions for VR and 360° videos.

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