AES New York 2019
Exhibits-Plus Badge Event SC00

Wednesday, October 16, 9:00 am — 5:00 pm (SDA Booth)


Student / Career: SC00 - Resume Review (for Students, Recent Grads, and Young Professionals)

Alex Kosiorek, Central Sound at Arizona PBS - Phoenix, AZ, USA; Arizona State University - Phoenix, AZ, USA

Students, recent graduates and young professionals… Often your resume is an employer’s first impression of you. Naturally, you want to make a good one. Employer’s often use job search websites to search for candidates. Some use automated software to scan your resume and in some cases, your LinkedIn/social media profiles as well. Questions may arise regarding formatting, length, keywords and phrases so it shows up in searches and lands on the desk of the hiring manager. No matter how refined your resume may be, it is always good to have someone else review your materials. Receive a one-on-one 20-25 minute review of your resume from a hiring manager who is in the audio engineering business. Plus, if time allows, your cover letter and online presence will be reviewed as well.

Sign up at the student (SDA) booth immediately upon arrival. For those who would like to have your resume reviewed on Wednesday, October 17th prior to SDA-1, please email the request to: [email protected]. You may be requested to upload your resume prior to your appointment for review. Uploaded resumes will only be seen by the moderator and will be deleted at the conclusion of the 147th Pro Audio Convention.

This review will take place during the duration of the convention by appointment only

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