AES New York 2019
Broadcast & Online Delivery Track Event GA07
Thursday, October 17, 9:00 am — 10:30 am (1E21)
Game Audio & XR: GA07 - MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes VR
Chair:Jürgen Herre, International Audio Laboratories Erlangen - Erlangen, Germany; Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Adrian Murtaza, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Nils Peters, Qualcomm, Advanced Tech R&D - San Diego, CA, USA
The MPEG-H 3D Audio is a recent MPEG standard that was designed to represent and render 3D audio experiences while supporting all known production paradigms (channel-based, object-based, and Higher Order Ambisonics based audio) and reproduction setups (loudspeaker, headphone/binaural). As the audio production world moves forward to embrace Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), MPEG-H found considerable adoption and re-use in recently finalized VR standards, such as MPEG-I OMAF(Omnidirectional Media Format), VR Industry Forum (VR-IF) Guidelines as well as 3GPP "VRStream" (Virtual Reality profiles for streaming applications) where it was selected as the audio standard for VR content delivered over 5G networks.
This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Coding of Audio Signals |