145th AES CONVENTION How Next Generation Audio Innovations Will Reshape the Mobile Device Experience

AES New York 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 11:00 am — 11:45 am (1E15 +16 SE)


Special Event: SE00 - How Next Generation Audio Innovations Will Reshape the Mobile Device Experience

Jyri Huopaniemi, Nokia - Espoo, Finland

Sound has been a fundamental building block of mobile telephony and mobile devices since the very beginning of the connectivity era. Significant advances have since been made in the quality and variety of audio-based applications. However, there are areas where audio has not yet reached its true potential. In this talk we focus on areas of mobile audio that are currently gaining consumer attention: communication, immersion, and user-generated content.

Today, people are telling their stories with technology, and they are increasingly using mobile devices to capture the full richness of their lives; in pictures, videos, and sounds. We discuss solutions and opportunities which allow consumers to capture and share audio with depth, direction, and detail.

The use of voice has quickly expanded from person-to-person communication in voice and conference calls to voice-based control. The rapid emergence of intelligent assistants places significant new requirements on the quality of sound capture and rendering. In parallel, the basic function of mobile devices, namely voice calls, has undergone significant improvements in quality. We offer a glimpse to some of the challenges and future opportunities in voice-based applications and immersive voice and audio services.

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