145th AES CONVENTION Exhibits-Plus Badge Event: Telos Infinity: Breaking the Matrix with AES67, Next Generation Intercom

AES New York 2018
Exhibits-Plus Badge Event

Wednesday, October 17, 1:00 pm — 1:30 pm (AoIP Pavilion Theater)

AoIP Pavilion: Telos Infinity: Breaking the Matrix with AES67, Next Generation Intercom

Martin Dyster, The Telos Alliance

Telos Infinity IP Intercom is a complete reimagining of broadcast communications technology developed by the Telos Alliance engineering team that invented AoIP for broadcast in 2003. Infinity replaces outmoded matrix technology with an advanced, distributed fully AES67 compliant network solution that provides superior functionality in a simplified, more elegant form. Being matrix-free allows plug-and-play networked hardware and software devices to be added to the system as part of a planned or ad-hoc change, without ever worrying that you might exceed the number of available ports on a matrix.

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