145th AES CONVENTION Exhibits-Plus Badge Event LS01: Sports Broadcasting in Dolby Atmos

AES New York 2018
Exhibits-Plus Badge Event LS01

Wednesday, October 17, 11:00 am — 11:45 am (Live Production Stage)

Live Production Stage: LS01 - Sports Broadcasting in Dolby Atmos

Roger Charlesworth, DTV Audio Group - New York, NY, USA
Rob France, Dolby Laboratories - London, UK
Karl Malone, NBC Universal - Stamford, CT, USA

Dolby Atmos is ready for prime time. It has proven to be the leading format for immersive audio for live sport broadcasts. With Dolby Atmos, fans are brought into the action, hearing not only the commenters but also the crowd noise all around them, immersing them in the action like never before. And while immersive audio won’t necessarily be right for every sport, for the ones that it is a good match for, the impact will be incredible.
Moderated by Roger Charlesworth and featuring, Karl Malone, Director of Sound Design, NBC Sports and NBC Olympics, this session cover the elements involved in the production and delivery of immersive audio for live sports. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear firsthand about NBC Sports’ broadcasts of Atmos for Olympics coverage at both the 2016 Rio Summer Games, the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Games and now Notre Dame home football.

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