145th AES CONVENTION Broadcast & Online Delivery Track Event NA01: Network Fundamentals for Audio Engineers

AES New York 2018
Broadcast & Online Delivery Track Event NA01

Wednesday, October 17, 9:00 am — 10:00 am (1E10)


Networked Audio: NA01 - Network Fundamentals for Audio Engineers

Patrick Killianey, Yamaha Professional Audio - Buena Park, CA, USA

Everything in our industry is going to IP. It isn’t just audio—video, lighting, control and intercom are there, as well. This session forms a great base networking skill for anyone in live sound or media production. If you’re comfortable setting up a home network and joining a WiFi hotspot at Starbucks, then this session will launch you comfortably to an intermediate-level user.
By the end of this session, you’ll have the concepts to structurally design a medium sized network for an installation, recording studio or live production. You’ll also have the basic terminology to interact with an IT department, as needed.
This session will be taught by Patrick Killianey from Yamaha. Patrick produced a YouTube video series called “Network Fundamentals for Professional Audio” which has become part of the curriculum in college programs towards IT and audio production alike.
This live variant of this class will review the key pieces of that video series and chart new territory. We’ll refocus on key concepts on Subnet Mask, Gateway, Reserved LAN ranges, IP addresses to avoid, DNS and DHCP. From there, we’ll add on common structural topics in audio designs like trunk lines, VLANs and VLAN tagging, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs), non-blocking backplane architecture, and basics of fiber

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