145th AES CONVENTION Archiving and Restoration Track Event IS11: The Audio Edge: Ambient Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Sound

AES New York 2018
Archiving and Restoration Track Event IS11

Friday, October 19, 10:15 am — 11:15 am (1E08)

Immersive & Spatial Audio: IS11 - The Audio Edge: Ambient Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Sound

Sally Kellaway, Microsoft - Seattle, WA, USA
George Valavanis, Microsoft - Seattle, WA, USA

Audio professionals understand that sound is a powerful signal for capturing and conveying information about the world. From sound designers to composers, we use the communicative capacity of sound to tell stories. Advancements n Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are introducing new ways to process sound as data to better understand our environment and expand our awareness.

Presenting findings from Microsoft's Mixed Reality at Work development team, George Valavanis and Sally Kellaway discuss audio's role in our cloud-connected future. From ML data capture workflows to the Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365 tools used to develop data insights, we'll uncover how audio will expand the way we interact with our world, define a new class of hardware technologies, and become the data stream of the future.

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